Nicole Zuckerman
Nicole’s first foray into Lindy Hop occurred in 2003, and they immediately threw caution and all other hobbies out the window to chase swing outs relentlessly. Since then, Nicole has developed their unique style, and an unmistakeable sense of fun and whimsy in their dancing. Though their primary dance role is as a follow, tthey also love leading, and solo jazz-ing like a weirdo. Nicole has also won numerous competitions across the US for lindy hop, solo jazz, and balboa.
As an instructor, Nicole keenly articulates connection, rhythm, and creativity in an accessible way, with enthusiasm and the occasional sound effect. They also make a point to bring value to both dance roles in classes. When not swinging out and gesticulating wildly, Nicole can also be found re-visiting their own extensive training in tap.
Carl Nelson
Carl has been dancing since 2001, he was swinging out so hard he got kicked out of an acapella group. His style focuses on strong partnering and rhythm rooted in exemplary basics. He has won numerous competitions at many of the largest events in the U.S. for lindy hop, solo jazz, and balboa.
As an instructor, Carl encourages students to find their own path through the dance, emphasizing collaborative workshops and focused exercises in his classes. Carl currently resides in New York City where he has taken up Olympic Weightlifting as one additional relaxing hobby.